NX3 Releases
NX3 Roadmap 2024/2025
Howdy, mit großen Schritten kommt unser Core 5.0 Release (siehe auch hier Lookout – Core 5.0 is finally scheduled for october 2024!). Anlass für uns, die kommende Roadmap 2024/2025 vorzustellen! Und so wird die Roadmap gelesen : die Natur der agilen Softwareentwicklung impliziert, dass keine Pläne in Stein gemeißelt sind und sich die Roadmap ständig […]
Lookout – Core 5.0 is finally scheduled for october 2024!
Hello everyone, Our brand new Core 5.0 release is planned for October 2024 and is currently being implemented.The new NX3 Core includes, among other things Maintenance Update Security Improvements Features and many, many exciting areas! We will announce the details on all topics again in August/September! Your NX3 Team
Core 4.5 Released & Core 5.0 in development!
Hello everyone, Our NX3 Core 4.5 was released in late April!Core 4.5 includes a some updated features and libraries for business: New Features Improvements Performance Security Bugfixes As well some minor improvements at detail level and of course, libraries have also been updated and some performance and security improvements have been made. For now we’re […]
Core 4.5 in development
Core 4.5 in development Our Core 4.5 (planned for Q1 2024) is already in development. Core 4.5 will have many new features, including We will give you an update as soon as 4.5 is released for production!
Core 4.4 is finally here
Hello everyone, With a little delay, our Core 4.4 release is now ready and in production.Core 4.4 includes a major reorganization of the handling of media types and documents for optimal memory usage as well as many improvementsat detail level. Of course, libraries have also been updated and some performance and security improvements have been […]
Core 4.4 will come Fall 2023
As previously announced, the new version NX3 4.4 will be released in the fall of 2023. This update contains many improvements and fixes.Particularly exciting are among others: and some others. Stay tuned, we’ll be in touch!
Howdy, spring time is NX3 Core time
After months of hard work and lots of tickets we’re proud to have the latest NX3 Core release in place.Let’s see what’s inside! Stay tuned for our next updates!
Core 4.3 will come late 03/2023!
Core 4.3 will come late 03/2023! Stay tuned – our latest NX3 Core Release will be finally released late march 2023. A lot of updates will be delivered. As usual we updated some libs cleaned some lines of code and took out the trash. Here are some highlights! NX3 Agents & Machine Learning Next gen […]
NX3 Roadmap 2023
While releasing our latest NX3 Core updates in 2022 we have some big plans for 2023 but no fixed dates. Please find some milestones below: The maintenance of the overall CORE with fixes and smaller improvements is ongoing in 2023. Core 4.3 – Q1 2023 Core 4.4 – Q3 2023 Core 5.0- Please note – […]
Core 4.2 is scheduled for October 2022!
Our upcoming NX3 Core 4.2 is scheduled for October 22! A lot of improvements, fixes and updates will be delivered. Our main features is the new “Decision Support” which helps users to automate and optimize their decisions by support from the NX3 Software. Please note – Core 4.x is not working with the older NX3 […]